The  State  of  Morelos occupies the  broad   valley   on   the   Pacific
    side of the Mexican Volcanic Axis, watered by  the  springs  and  streams
    descending   from   the   Chichinautzin   range   to    the    North    into    the
    Amacuzac  river  to  the  South.   In  slightly   less   than    5000 km^2,    its
    climates range  from  the  glaciered   heights   of Popocatepetl   (5452 m)
    through pine forests and gardens down to   fertile   sugar-cane   fields   at
    1000 m.     Its     capital      is      Cuernavaca       (pop. 400,000),       ancient
    Cuauhnahuac, "The Place near the Woods"; it has  been  loved  by  many
    for its particularly     gentle     climate      and       exhuberant       vegetation.
    Cuernavaca  is  70 km  South  of  Mexico  City,   and   shielded   from    its
    polution by the intervening sierra.
          The weather and the whim have made the cultural climate  prosper.
    Cuernavaca has long been a haven for the common and  the  exalted.   In
    1866,  Archduke  Maximilian   of   Habsburg   and    his    wife     Charlotte
    established   their   imperial   summer   residence   at    the    Borda      villa.
    Barbara Hutton established her Japanese Shangri-La in  the  forties  and
    Carl  Jung  set  up  his  post-Freudian  couch  and  circle    in    the    fifties.
    Bishop  Sergio  Mendez  Arceo  developed  liberation   theology    in     the
    sixties    and    seventies.     Since     the      eighties,      several       research
    institutes in mathematics, physics and biophysics  have  been  established.
    Today,  Cuernavaca  has  by  far  the  highest  proportion   of   PhD's    per
    inhabitant in Mexico.
    More Information about Morelos.

Last modified on 26.December.2010 by Juan R. Bobadilla,